Let’s face it, not all dogs enjoy going to the vet. It is important that you begin teaching your new dog how to be a good vet patient and that you create a positive association with the vet’s office. During her long life, she will be poked, prodded and pinched. She will have her...
Nutrition and Your Dog’s Behavior: Part III
Our last blog detailed carbohydrates that are appropriate and how they can enhance your dog’s health. We will now move on to how functional proteins play a role in your dog’s health. There are many functional proteins that are important to your dog’s diet. Protein is responsible for building and repairing muscles and tissues and provides...
Nutrition and Your Dog’s Behavior: Part II
In Part 1 of our nutrition and behavior series we briefly touched on the genetics and environmental factors that could affect your dog’s overall health and behavior. Here, in Part 2, we are going to discuss functional foods and how they can play a key role in your dog’s overall health. We know diet...