In this episode, Nikki talks with Amanda after she returns from her trip to Ireland. Her and Clark and some wonderful adventures but what she took away from her vacation was that dogs in Ireland are a little different than our dogs in the US. She also discusses the details on traveling with a dog that eats a home-cooked diet and how to do it simply, even when it's international travel. We can learn a lot from other countries, and I think that the US needs to catch up to the progressiveness of other countries when it comes to our pets.
In this episode, Nikki and Britteny discuss the top do's and don'ts when bringing a new dog into your home. What are the most important tasks of owners to ensure their dog feels comfortable and is set-up for success? These tips can also work for dogs who have been in the home for years.
In this episode, Nikki and Britteny talk about a few specific characteristics of dogs that we can learn from going into a new year. Really taking in that odor, taking a minute to see the details of the tree in your front yard or simply learning how to be silly; there's a lot we can learn from our canine companion.
Don't forget to sign up for our new membership program! Free DogSpeak CrackPack, private FB page and more for all DogSpeak Geek Members!
In this episode, Nikki talks with Canine Herbalist, Rita Hogan. Rita has been working with people and their pets for over 20 years. Her practice has grown throughout the years encompassing the use of food energetics, western herbs, phytoembryonic therapy (plant bud medicine), spagyrics, homeopathy, essential oils, flower / crystal / mineral essences and energy work.
Nikki and Rita talk about the different herbs you can use to help your dog with fear, anxiety, and arthritis. Learn what you can do to help your dog by getting to the root of the problem instead of just dealing with symptoms that only provides temporary relief.
Click here to learn more about Rita and her products!
Click here to join Rita's course on Canine Energetics!
Find Rita's Podcast HERE!
Dogs Are Individuals Podcast
Books discussed in this episode:
Forever Dog by Rodney Habib and Dr. Karen Shaw Becker
Holistic Anatomy by Pip Waller
Websites Mentioned
TW: Discussions on animal abuse, hoarding, dog aggression and euthanasia.
In this episode, Nikki is joined by DogSpeak trainer, Alicia and Animal Rescue Corps, Director of Animal Welfare, Kim Rezac.
Behavioral Euthanasia is a topic no one wants to talk about. The adage of "it's all in how you raise them" is unfortunately untrue. Dogs are individuals and they often have traumas that they are unable to overcome and for the safety of humans and other animals, behavioral euthanasia is the most humane choice.
Regardless of which side of the discussion you are on, this episode will give you the view from a behavior specialist dealing mostly with pets, an animal welfare director who works with dogs from hoarding/abusive situations, and a former dog foster that had to make the most difficult decision with her foster.
Find more information on Kim Rezac and Animal Rescue Corps at the link below.
To learn more about Goofy Foot Rescue, click here!
For resources and support check out the links below.
Behaviour Euthanasia- decision and support | Facebook
In this episode, Nikki and Britteny discuss the different styles of play and how to understand your dog's play preference. They also answer a listener question on Pibbles!
Support the showJoin Nikki and Britteny as they discuss, not only their favorite products of 2022 but Amanda, Alicia's, Gray's and Tiffany's favorite products. From toys to treats you will find something your dog can't live without! Including an item from one of our listeners!
Nikki and Britteny discuss reactivity, collars and that time Isabella ran through the neighborhood.
Nikki and Britteny discuss what to look for when adopting an adult dog. *Ignore Britt's phlegmy noises*
And, hey! Nikki's adolescent stat was partly correct (See study. Note--it does mention euthanasia.):
In this episode, Nikki and Britteny discuss reinforcements and rewards. There are a variety of reinforcements and rewards dog guardians can use, however, do dogs really find them rewarding? How rewarding is your dog's favorite treat when you are out in public versus at home? Do you know what motivates your dog? Listen now to better understand how motivation plays into reinforcement and reward and learn that what you think is a high value reward to your dog really isn't.
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