In this episode, Nikki discusses some of the country's favorite breeds in the sporting and non-sporting groups. Learn about the Vizsla, Weimaraner, Bichon Frise, Boston Terrier and French Bulldog. Do these dogs fit into your family? 

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In this episode, Nikki explores toy and terrier breeds, and explains what you can typically expect from them from a temperament and training perspective. 

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In this episode, Nikki discusses herding and hound breeds of dogs. This podcast is just one in a series of breed-specific podcasts. This series is designed to help potential dog owners figure out if specific breed or breed mixes are right for their lifestyles. 

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In this episode, Nikki discusses things you should consider before bringing a new dog into your home. Tune in next week as she talks about the traits of specific breeds, and why some breeds aren't right for certain homes and lifestyles. 

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In this episode, Nikki discusses moderate to severe separation anxiety symptoms and how medication, along with systematic desensitization is the best route to help your dog overcome their anxiety. 

This is episode does not give you step-by-step instructions on dealing with your dog's Separation Anxiety. DogSpeak recommends that you reach out to a local positive trainer or behaviorist to assist with your specific case. 

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In this Part 1 episode on Separation Anxiety, Nikki discusses how to know if your dog suffers from SA as well as how to deal with mild cases. In part 2, she will be discussing moderate to severe cases and strategies to combat it. 

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In this episode, Nikki discusses the differences in luring, bribing and rewarding your dog during training. She explains how to successfully teach your dog using treats. 

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In this episode, Nikki discusses the importance of Canine Enrichment and gives you many ideas on how to enrich your dog's life. Canine Enrichment has been scientifically studied and proven to improve dog's physical and psychological health. 

Check out for some good ideas and videos of the games Nikki discusses. 

There are several Facebook pages specifically for Canine Enrichment to help you with ideas for your dog. 

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In this episode, Nikki discusses the importance of understanding when your dog tells you "no." Many believe it's the dog being stubborn but Nikki explains why that may not always be the case. 

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Dogs are observant, and pick up on our body language and patterns. In this episode, Nikki explains how you may be cuing your dog with your body language rather than your words. 

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