This week, Nikki and Britteny discuss the importance of staying consistent while training your dog, why you should stop trying to impress people, and introduce a new member to the DogSpeak family.
Support the showIn this episode, Nikki and Britteny discuss why it is important for your dog to give consent before you pet, touch or pick up your dog. Respecting your dog's signals, and allowing them to say "no" actually allows your dog to learn to trust you, and strengthens the bond between human and dog.
Support the showIn this episode, Nikki and Amanda talk about the differences between therapy dogs, ESA dogs and Service dogs.
In this episode, Nikki and Britteny discuss the adolescent phase of a dog's development. Signs to look for as well as things you can do to make the process much easier are just a few bits of information you'll find in this week's episode.
LINK for Goldfish Article.
In this episode, Nikki and DogSpeak's Puppy Development Specialist Amanda, talk all things puppy! It's imperative that Pups get started on socialization and exposure after their first round of vaccines. Listen now to learn the safest and best way to get your pup started out on the right track! No more waiting until all vaccines are completed!
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In this episode, Nikki and Britteny talk about the foods your dog should not be consuming this holiday season. They also give out some great advice on handling the holiday stress that may come with family gatherings.
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In this episode, Nikki and Britteny discuss the emotions of dogs and how the lack of behavior doesn't mean the dog is feeling comfortable in the situation. They discuss how Learned Helplessness is a common issue among dogs that are trained using positive punishment or a balanced method of positive punishment and positive reinforcement.
Click Here for Research Paper on Learned Helplessness
In this episode, Nikki and Britteny discuss car anxiety in dogs. There are many reasons a dog is uncomfortable riding in the car. Listen now to know what signs to look for to understand whether your dog is just anxious or is suffering from motion sickness.
In this episode Nikki talks with applied ethologist, Kim Brophey, CDBC, CPDT-KA, about social currency, confidence and leadership. Find out what social currency is, how it relates to your dog and why your dog may only be responding to certain people.
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In this episode, Nikki and Britteny discuss Britteny and Isabella's latest camping trip. They also discuss how to help your dog be successful during outings and some of the preparations you need to make.