Compounding Stress, also known as stacked stress, is when multiple stressors intersect without significant resolution or recovery between them. Today, many of us, me included, are feeling compounded stress from the current political climate in the US. It is tough to escape the daily events, and I am starting to truly empathize with how...
How to Teach Leash Manners
Teaching leash manners can be one of the most challenging tasks dog guardians face. Unless your dog never leaves your home or yard, there’s a good chance they will have to wear a leash at some point in their life. Teaching leash manners can be a very frustrating time during your and your dog’s...
Trigger Warning: How to help a reactive dog deal with triggers
Triggers are sensory reminders that cause painful memories or certain symptoms to resurface. These can occur through sight, sound, smell or touch. According to PsychCentral, apart from trauma, the term “trigger” can be anything that activates or worsens the symptoms of mental health conditions, such as compulsive disorders. When we experience trauma, our brains...