Any dog guardian looking online for training advice is surely to be inundated with conflicting information regarding the correct way to teach their dogs. There are many myths surrounding dog training and relationship-building. Some common myths that are still widely circulated are: Go out the door before your dog Eat before you feed your...
Four Pillars of Dog Training
At DogSpeak, we don’t believe in dominating your dog when training. We believe you should act as your dog’s upper management and your dog’s tour guide (because you have more knowledge and experience related to this world). To build a relationship with your dog, you must focus on the four pillars of training which...
Stress Stacking in Dogs
Compounding Stress, also known as stacked stress, is when multiple stressors intersect without significant resolution or recovery between them. Today, many of us, me included, are feeling compounded stress from the current political climate in the US. It is tough to escape the daily events, and I am starting to truly empathize with how...