Dog Aggression Form Name * Name First First Last Last Email * Phone * Is this inner-pack aggression? * Yes No If yes, between which dogs? When did the aggression begin? When was the first altercation? Were there injuries? Yes No If yes, who was injured? How was the altercation stopped? Number of altercations? Issues with dogs outside of the home? Yes No Unsure Number of bites to another dog Number of bites that required medical attention Body part most injured on another dog Is there sniffing/greeting prior to altercations? Yes No Has your dog ever socialized positively with other dogs? Yes No Unsure Do altercations occur on or off-leash? On Off Both Has aggression worsened over time? Yes No Unsure Has training been done to correct the behavior? Yes No Unsure If yes, when and by whom? How have you managed this behavior thus far? Where do most altercations occur? Around food In yard DaycareDaycare Specific public areaSpecific public area Around toy/bed/resourceAround toy/bed/resource Around humanAround human At vetAt vet Dog ParkDog Park At groomerAt groomer On walksOn walks Specific room/areaSpecific room/area OtherOther Types of dogs your dog shows aggression towards Male Female All dogs Small Dogs Large Dogs Specific breedSpecific breed Specific colorSpecific color Medications used to correct issues, and your dog's reaction to them Describe a recent altercation If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Start Over